Lars Ullrich, M. Sc.
Lars Ullrich, M.Sc.
Research Interests
- Consistent consideration of uncertainties in non-linear systems
- Real-time control and reliable stochastic model predictive control
- Embedded and real-time AI & optimization methods
- Since May 2022 Research Assistant, Chair of Automatic Control Engineering, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
- 2019-2022 Study of Mechatronics (M.Sc.), FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
- 2020-2021 Study of Control, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Aalto University
- 2016-2019 Study of Mechatronics (B.Eng.), DHBW Mosbach
- 2018 Fulbright Intercultural Communication Program, Georgia Institute of Technology
Open theses
- Trajectory Planning in Autonomous Driving
Current and completed theses
- Safety Assurance for Meta-Learning in Autonomous Driving (HiWi)
- Investigation of the transferability of data-driven prediction models of other traffic participants in the field of highly automated driving. (MA)
- Implementation and integration of data-driven prediction models of other traffic participants into an existing software stack. (HiWi)
- Implementation and evaluation of data-driven motion prediction models of dynamic road traffic objects for autonomous driving. (FP)
- Investigation of neuromorphic computing for model predictive control with emphasis on trajectory optimization. (HiWi)
- Investigating the capabilities of stochastic normalizing flows for trajectory planning in autonomous driving. (MA)
- Modeling and evaluation of vehicle models using state of the art simulation software. (HiWi)