Learning in Control

Algorithms of artificial intelligence and machine learning are of increasing importance for control applications. Our research and expertise in this domain ranges from the modeling of unknown or uncertain dynamics over iterative and reinforcement learning to Bayesian optimization.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Knut Graichen
Tel.: +49 9131 85-27127
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One research focus at the Chair is on learning in model design and identification. Hybrid and data-driven models are attractive if physical modeling is either poor or requires high effort. Practical applications often require an online adaptation of these models in order to reflect effects of aging or wear or to increase the model accuracy in different operation regimes. Information about the reliability and trustworthiness of a learned model can directly be used within the control design. For instance, the prediction of the uncertainty allows to satisfy constraints with a given probability. A challenge with learning-based methods is to ensure real-time feasibility with possibly weak hardware resources in order to bring these advanced learning in control methods into practice.

Embedded learning of combustion models
Stochastic MPC considers obstacle uncertainty for collision avoidance

Another field of research and expertise is learning in optimization and control, for instance, reinforcement learning and Bayesian optimization. Reinforcement learning aims at obtaining an optimal control strategy from repeated interactions with the system. Formulating this task as an optimization problem shows the conceptual similarity to model predictive control, with the difference that reinforcement learning does not require model knowledge of the system. In a similar spirit, Bayesian optimization allows to solve complex optimization problem, in particular if the cost function or constraints are not analytically known or can only be evaluated by costly numerical simulations. Many technical tasks such as the optimization of production processes, an optimal product design or the search of optimal controller setpoints can be formulated as (partially) unknown optimization problem, illustrating the generality and importance of Bayesian optimization.

Reinforcement learning for a hydraulic clutch
Bayesian optimization subject to an unknown equality constraint

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